Monday, March 27, 2006

Lusht - the devilish details visualised!

The VCDH has cracked it! Long threatening to come up with some ingeneous way to represent the (as he coined it) 'metamedia' of ABC's numero uno adaptation of the Tempest (joke, joke...) he's now gorn and done it. Check THIS beauty gawd. Here you can find a typically erudite examination of the TV phenomenon alluded to in Steven Johnson's Everything Bad Is Good For You (currently halfway through and, if nothing else, it makes all those hours spent playing Final Fantasy seem not so wasted) and a rilly, rilly neat visualisation of the processes at work twixt writers, fans and bloggers ...
Even I hadn't realised that Drive Shaft had a site (tho a message board thread seems to claim it's merely a fan site - I'm not sure). I'm now curious to see what will happen in this country once Channel Four finally get UK audiences up to speed.

Another subsequent phenomenon which has my attention is how my expectations have been raised to a point where a series like Invasion which once would have me gripped, now seems flat and two-dimensional, not merely for the excrutiating acting and deliberately extended (and irritatingly soapy) plotlines - Lusht has them in spades too - but because I now want my pulp drama to leave me screaming WHAAAT?!?! and then scrambling for my laptop. Oh this one will run and run...

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