Tuesday, May 12, 2009


A heaven and hell proposition is currently available on Radio 3's website: Mendlessohn's music for Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream performed at Middle temple in London. Conducted by Charles Hazlewood. It's a combination of the text and the music which you can watch online.
Heaven, because it's one of my favourite plays combined with some of my favourite music (my Mother used to play it to me as a child).
Hell, because only a blind person would have approved the eyeball searing Lichtenstein/cartoon graphics in which the offering is wrapped.
Treat people like children and they'll act like children. This is NOT the same as 'reaching out to a broader audience' or whatever committee-born half-witted excuse for rationalisation came up with something so ugly.
Still, the music and the performances are exquisite.
Ye spotted snakes etc...

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