Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Noodling (for coins)

Recovering from what Mr F would describe as a 'devil bug' I've been back to the old digital drawing board to see if my fingers are better. The result was an e-bowed cover version of Frank Zappa's 'Watermelon In Easter Hay' - a tune so lovely that even I can't balls it up. However after sticking it on my Myspace account I had a crisis of confidence and took it down again. Maybe if I get enough requests I'll unleash it. Until then welcome to another piece of noodling entitled 'Two Face'...go and listen, but don't say you weren't warned...


matt said...

Please post the Zappa!

Chris Jones said...

Well bless ya! Encouraged by this I shall...watch my Myspace account in the next coupla days...