Monday, September 29, 2014


I've been running a Wordpress blog simultaneously to this one: primarily for the purposes of writing about more personal growth/spirituality/meditation blah, etc. but have decided that it's all a bit surplus to my already time-hungry social media requirements. And besides: who really cares? But while thinking of the ways to exit gracefully I realised that my interest in Jodorowsky and his use of the Tarot (his Way of Tarot: The Spiritual Teacher in the Cards is possibly the ONLY book anyone ever needs on the topic, if only for the fact that he uses the deck as a psychoanalytic tool and debunks any foolish notions of 'fortune telling' or 'prophecy' connected to this ancient game/system) had resulted in some rather interesting images, as I tried to contextualise the card of the day into my day-to-day activities. And as I was experimenting with Pinterest's 'widget' options for a client I thought I'd share this lot with you.

My favourite is the one with the Mettwurst.

Follow Chris's board Tarot shots on Pinterest.

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